As a way for patients to get involved and help us deliver the kind of care/services that are needed locally, we have established a Patient Participation Group. This comprises members who are registered with the practice and who have an interest in being involved and looking at results of patient surveys, new services and implementing changes to existing services or the way we work. All comments and views are welcomed.
The group is a voluntary, independent group. It meets on a quarterly basis at the Thurnscoe Centre and is Chaired by the Practice Manager. Dr N Ishaque, GP Partner also attends the meetings as GP lead within the practice for Patient Experience.
If you are interested in getting involved please contact the Practice Manager on 01709 886490 or ask a member of the reception team for further details.
If you do want to attend meetings you may be interested in joining our Virtual Patient Group. if you are interested please ask at reception for a form to complete and return it to the surgery.
If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email please click the link at the top right hand side of this page to open the sign-up form and complete all the fields.